The ReDem®-Score

As a comprehensive benchmark, the ReDem® Score (R-Score) combines all relevant quality criteria and thus enables a transparent and objective assessment of the data quality of your survey data.

The basis of the R-score is a carefully compiled combination of selected quality criteria:

  • Open ended questions
  • Interview duration
  • Matrix-question behaviour
  • Response Certainty
  • Awareness

Our quality criteria

Open Ended Score

Open Ended Score

The open-ended score uses a specially trained AI language model to evaluate the quality of responses to open-ended questions.

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Part of R-Score
Time Score

Time Score

The Time Score evaluates all respondents based on the available response time(s).

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Part of R-Score
Grid-Question Score

Grid-Question Score

The grid-question score evaluates respondents according to their response behavior within one or more matrix-questions

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Part of R-Score
Certainty Score

Certainty Score

To accurately capture the certainty of respondents in their answers, the Certainty Score relies on the psychological phenomenon of the False Consensus Effect.

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Part of R-Score
Prediction Score

Prediction Score

Our Prediction Score is an effective tool for assessing the predictive ability of respondents. Using projective questions, it provides a reliable assessment that eliminates superficial answers. The score is part of the Bayesian Truth Serum researched at MIT.

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Part of R-Score
Infomation Score

Infomation Score

The Information Score is a rating measure that assesses the information content of response options. It is an integral part of the Bayesian Truth Serum researched at MIT.

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Social Desirability Score

Social Desirability Score

The Social Desirability Score evaluates the degree of social desirability and provides information on how much surveys are influenced by it.

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Discover now the potential of the ReDem® Survey Data Quality Platform for your company!

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  • Personal support