Florian Kögl as the new Chairman of the VMÖ

Austria's market research association, VMÖ (Verband der Marktforscher Österreichs), with around 3,000 members, has restructured its board, appointing Florian Kögl, founder and CEO of ReDem, as the new Chairman.
(leadersnet.at | Oct 2024)

AI and Data Quality: A New Era for Panels

In an era where customer trust in market research is increasingly fragile, the future of panel operators hinges on data quality. This article by ReDem and horizoom explores how major industry trends—like the rise of AI and synthetic data—are transforming the way we gather, validate, and use insights...
(planung&analyse | Sept 2024)

Arrived! - A Look Back at the ReDem Quality Day

The topic of data quality, with all its facets and relevance, has truly arrived. For Hartmut Scheffler, a clear sign of this was the first International ReDem Quality Day – an event held on June 19, focused on the topic of "Quality of Survey Data," addressing the tricks of survey fraudsters, existing initiatives, and initial countermeasures. It was a good day for market and social research...
(marktforschung.de | Jul 2024)

Professional Survey Fraud – Identity and Trust: The Currency of Reliable Online Surveys

While "ReDem for Research" ensures the quality of individual market research studies at the project level, "ReDem for Panels" focuses on evaluating the quality at the member level of online access panels. Both tools use artificial intelligence for this purpose...
(marktforschung.de | Mar 2024)

AI & Market Research: How AI is Revolutionizing Market Research

It is undeniable – AI can significantly simplify everyday work. It assists in researching and writing texts, in the graphical implementation of ideas, and even market research benefits from the use of artificial intelligence...
(igepha | Feb 2024)

Houston, we have a problem. How market research is at risk of losing its foundation

Online surveys via access panels are now the standard in market research. Thousands of questionnaires are sent out daily and answered by anonymous panelists. The challenges of this business model are diverse...
(planung&analyse | Jan 2024)

The p&a Newcomer in Market Research: ReDem

For the seventh time, a young company has been awarded the title of "planung&analyse Newcomer in Market Research." The award was presented in a festive setting at the p&a Insights23 conference in Frankfurt...
(planung&analyse | Sept 2023)

Do you still trust your data? How smart survey fraud puts your results at risk.

Incentive hunters, click farms, and bots have always posed a threat to the quality of online surveys. However, in recent times, there has been an increase in both the scale and level of professionalism in survey fraud. This new generation of incentive fraudsters can hardly be detected using conventional methods...
(marktforschung.de | Aug 2023)

ReDem: The Linz-Based Startup Automates Quality Control of Market Research Data

With a SaaS platform, the Linz-based startup ReDem offers market researchers the ability to automatically and standardize the cleaning of their surveys...
(brutkasten | Jun 2022)

ReDem: The Anti-Beinschab Tool

Manipulated surveys or faulty pandemic data: the (lack of) data quality is a hot topic. ReDem now aims to address this and elevate data quality to a new level. Market research has fallen somewhat into disrepute. In this light, ReDem seems to be at the right place at the right time...
(Startup Chefinfo Magazin | Mar 2022)

Market Research Data Has a Major Impact on All of Us!" – A Conversation with Florian Kögl

This time on the research GARAGE podcast, hosted by the moderators from the German Society for Online Research (DGOF), the guest is Florian Kögl, founder and CEO of the startup ReDem. He shares how, as an outsider to the field, he successfully entered the market research industry and why the quality of survey data is so important to him...
(DGOF Podcast research Garage | Feb 2022)