Flexible & Simple

Annual Credit Plans

We will be happy to advise you on choosing the right annual credit plan for your needs. 

  • from € 0.01 per credit and € 0.04 per interview
  • Additional credits can be purchased at any time
  • All analysis & cleaning features included
  • Non-binding
  • Personal support


from € 0.16 /interview

  • up to 3 users
  • up to 12.5k interviews (50k credits)
  • 1 live training/ onboarding
  • e-mail support
  • access to all data quality analyses
  • data cleaning function
  • additional credits: € 0.04/ credit


from € 0.04 /interview

  • everything from "Professional"
  • unlimited users
  • up to 500k interviews (2 Mio credits)
  • support with API integration
  • data quality consulting
  • influence on the prioritization of future features
  • additional credits: € 0.01/ credit


Frequently asked questions

  • Credits are used as a unit of account for quality control of survey respondents.
  • Credits can be purchased in a variety of yearly plans. 
  • Credits are valid for 12 months. 

Between 4 and a maximum of 10 credits are charged per interview, depending on the quality criteria selected.

Credits required depend on the type and number of quality checks per interview

All figures per interview / respondent.

  • Open-Ended-Score: 3 Credits for the first data point. 1 Credit for each additional data point.
  • Time-Score: 1 Credit
  • Grid-Question-Score: 0,1 Credits per item and interview (max. 3 credits)
  • Projective Control Question: 2 Credits for the first data point. 1 Credit for each additional data point.

Ja. Sollten Ihre Credits früher als geplant verbraucht sein, können Sie jederzeit zusätzliche Credits erwerben.